Children’s Specialization

Registered Children’s Yoga Teachers can register as an RCYT if they have successfully completed both a 200-hour yoga teacher training and a 95-hour children’s yoga teacher training—in either order—that are registered with Yoga Alliance. Applicants must submit 30 teaching hours in children’s yoga which must be performed after completing a training with a Registered Children’s Yoga School (RCYS). Training Requirements✓ Completed a 200-hour teacher training with an RYS 200 ✓ Completed a 95-hour teacher training with a Registered Children’s Yoga School (RCYS)Teaching Requirements✓ Has at least 30 hours of teaching experience in children’s yoga since completing training with an RCYS Our program follows the requirements set forth by Yoga Alliance (read more at https://www.yogaalliance.org/Credentialing/Standards/ChildrensStandards). You’ll find that our 6 Courses follow their guidelines. Lesson 1: Intro to Children’s Yoga: General Background, Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers – 10 hrs required. No minimum for contact with lead teacher. Includes the study and understanding of all childhood developmental stages from age 2-15 and how the issues of each stage impact what is appropriate for teaching them. The school may split ages 2-15 into age groupings as it sees fit (e.g., ages 2-4, 5-8, etc.; or pre-school, elementary school, middle school). All five of Yoga Alliance’s Educational Categories are to address the specifics of appropriate developmental application for each age group. Also includes the understanding of the yoga teacher’s relationships with parents/guardians and developmental specialists and basic communication skills for conducting those relationships. Includes basic yoga precepts as they relate to children and to teaching Yoga to children (e.g., the Yamas and Niyamas). Awareness of ethical behavior and state and local legal requirements as related to behavior with and supervision of children. Specific training in parameters and techniques of ethical touch with regard to teaching children. Basics of ethical language and behavior, both when parents or guardians are present and when they are not. Lesson 2: Child Development, Anatomy, Physiology & Psychology – 10 Hours required. No minimum for contact with lead teacher. Anatomy and physiology related specifically to changes during child development and their application to yoga techniques (see Techniques category above). Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc). Includes both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.). Lesson 3: Techniques, Training and Practice: 30 Hours required. Minimum Contact Hours: 20 hours Includes yoga-based practices appropriate for child development, such as asanas, asana-based movement, yoga-based games and activities, breathing techniques and chanting. Lesson 4: Teaching Methodology: 25 Hours required. Minimum Contact Hours: 15 hours Includes knowledge of classroom techniques, lesson plans and group processing for children’s activities. Age-appropriate teaching skills for yoga class techniques (including how to phrase age-appropriate questions to a child) and effective communication skills (such as songs and stories) for working with children. Lesson 5: Teaching Techniques & Practicum: 20 Hours required. Minimum Contact Hours: 18 hours Practicum hours are divided between hours spent observing a specialty class and hours spent teaching a specialty class. A portion of each type of hours need to be with the Lead Trainer(s). Observing teaching, Contact Hours: 6 hours (4 hours of these must be with Lead Trainer(s)). These hours must be spent observing another teacher leading a children’s yoga class. A portion of these hours must be spent with Lead Trainer(s). Teaching, Contact Hours: 12 hours (6 hours of these must be with Lead Trainer(s) and at least 4 hours of the 6 hours must be as lead teacher). These hours must be spent teaching a children’s yoga class. A portion of these hours must be spent with Lead Trainers and as lead teacher of the class. |